What You Know About DeFi?

Bishu Finance
3 min readJun 30, 2021


After a brief hiatus from the publishing scene, we return with a tale of how we departed the meme scene.

Just like that… We were done. Enough of this meme shit and competing for oxygen in a space that is unforgiving to a token culture that frowns upon legitimacy and use case, where memes, smut, scams and scandal are par for the course.

We understand the novelty and whimsical nature of memes, and will retain our light hearted and fun aesthetics…but our days of being a valueless token are numbered.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place with a contract that doesn’t belong to you is kind of a raw deal. We have a loyal team and a die-hard community. We owe it to both to deliver on our promises of being a legitimate project and to really make a dent in the finance world and in culture. But how? Why Bishu?

Our first port of call was realizing the fears faced by our current holders. Secondly, it was about creating a central point which will serve as an incubation hub for financial products. Let me not get ahead here… Let’s talk Bishu 2.0:

We’ve taken a big step into the DeFi world, and no longer associate ourselves with meme tokens or the space — reason being that no one in the space was or is interested in projects that seek to improve the state of the space (not you Sanshu and Raku- we got you!) We’ve had few supporters rally around us, and more trying to scam us for our last couple of bucks. We realized the change that we needed to become. Change your playground, change your playmates and intensify your vision.

The decision to redesign a new contract was simple- it allowed us the power to start afresh with a brand new contract — gain full control of our project, eliminate (marketing and charity) wallets that others had seized in the process of the previous contract. Our community had done their due diligence on these wallets, and there are more than a few theories going around as to who they belong to, but we’re not here to mention any names, save from the fact that we’re incredibly disheartened by their use of our would have been marketing and charity funds — you knocked our charity wallet you scumbags.

We realize now that we were left for dead from the very beginning. Born with an initial destiny of being nothing more than a piggy bank to simply fund someone else’s need for clout and fame.

What they didn’t expect was the family that we have built and the camaraderie that has taken place. We are the masters of our own destiny, Bishu 2.0 will prove that.

Bishu Finance will serve as a central token from which a family of DeFi protocols will be launched and allow for holders to choose from an array of financial products that will suit their various investment styles and financial goals. Our team is bursting with DeFi ideas, and we intend to use this platform to help bring these ideas to fruition, as we only seek to empower our holders, and finally give Bishu Finance its much deserved place on the mantle.

From farming to indices — we’ve got our DeFi corners covered and believe that this was the missing piece in the story of Bishu. A necessary move into a space that empowers forward thinking, alternative finance and allows us to finally give to our holders, what we have been wanting to give to them for such a long time: we’d love for them to become their own bank, with access to an entire suite of exclusive products to grow their wealth and financial expertise.

Creating this DeFi ecosystem is a necessary first step in what will ultimately become what we now call the “Bishuverse”. When Bishu Finance grows, so does our entire family of holders.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint race. We’re going to see this one through.



Bishu Finance

Bishu Finance is a decentralized finance protocol that aims to deliver financial freedom and an attractive, innovative means of income generation to its users.