Paying it forward
We never forget our roots, and neither should you.
Pressure is a privilege. If you’re a Chris Bumstead fan, you’ll know the mantra of the renowned bodybuilder extraordinaire.
In this journey, the pressure we are confronted with on a daily basis, and the sobering reality that the world can turn on you in an instant, is a driving motivational factor that keeps us honest, humble and diligent. We’re constantly reminded of what it is to be a blockchain project that is starting at the bottom rung and endeavoring toward the top.
Part of this means realizing where we began, and that there are many people and creatures in this world who need a helping hand so that they may find their true path and realize their destiny.
Whilst there are rewards to be had along the way. We at Bishu Finance resonate with Vivekanandas saying: “service to mankind is service to God”. It’s important to us that any profit made does not simply go back into the capitalist engine, but rather, to invest into humanity, to restore balance, and rejuvenate this planet and all the good that it holds. As we take, it is also our duty to give back and sow the seeds for future generations to understand that their responsibilities and loyalties extend beyond themselves, and that the very essence of life on this planet depends on us performing our due diligence and acts of good will.

To us, our charity roadmap is a priority that admittedly does not get as much attention, due to current financial constraints, but nonetheless, we have committed to helping people with disabilities, endangered species, the elderly, and skills development for the underprivileged.
It means a lot to Bishu Finance to remind its team, community, and the rest of the world that there is more to life than financial gain. Whilst the allure of crypto riches is undoubtedly one of the most intoxicating sensations known to man, it is our responsibility to remind people that our job on this earth, is to restore balance to it and preserve life on this earth for generations to come. All the money and technology available cannot best the beauty of life, nature and the inexplicable mysteries that comprise this planet.
We’re not saying that all crypto projects need to follow suit. We’re just setting a standard that, we know we’re capable of maintaining and won’t compromise on. Someone’s got to lead by example, right? For charity does indeed begin at home.
Help us rebuild the planet by donating with us. All donations are welcome.