On Listings and the Road Ahead

Bishu Finance
7 min readJun 5, 2021


First off, this is part rant — a much needed vent, part tale from the crypto deep, and part one-on-one with one of the most mysterious personalities within Bishu — Buddha.

“When CMC?”

“When CG?”

Words many of us would hear dozens of times an hour, to the point of complete frustration and exhaustion. These questions would often be asked within seconds and minutes of each other, for hours on end.

The time of day didn’t matter, since Bishu is a very international community. We’ve been battered, mauled, mobbed by an endless swarm of requests daily from a concerned community that spends the day staring into the Telegram chat every 3 seconds and becoming frustrated by the fact that these entities were not listing us.

But why? What makes these platforms the gold standard for Crypto relevancy? What makes listing so important and elusive? For every new project, being listed on CMC and CG is like some sort of seal of approval that somehow renders one immune to FUD — now you’re official, not a rookie anymore. Time to take off the training fins and swim with the sharks.

Getting listed on CG and CMC is the crypto currency equivalent of having the cool kid in school invite you to sit with them and their friends at lunch. Now, all of a sudden, you’re cool enough for everyone to want to talk to you. Even though you are the same person that you were yesterday.

“We’d placed our applications fairly early into the project”, recalls Buddha; one of the founders of the Bishu Takeover Community Project. “By the time our application was in processing, we had grown in a short space of time, from 300 to 5000 holders. I don’t think that they counted on us expanding that rapidly, and hadn’t been exposed to our community or our supporters on Crypto Twitter.”

And true to that statement, we had grown — we had risen in such a short space of time, that even a considerably reputable YouTube crypto show host just looked at our chart and initially said “No, nope, no.” Yet upon second glance, the host realized that even in a turbulent market situation, Bishu was holding relatively stable and had potential.

We wont mention any names because gentlemen never kiss and tell, but the markets always do what they want to, and as a result, we were victims of our own success as we saw the entire market begin to dip.

We’re not a pump and dump. It’s been proven time and again — lord knows how much proving we have to do, but with a team of 30+ people who are the crypto equivalent of the Avengers: Endgame final battle against Thanos and his army — they can come and get us. It’s been a constant uphill battle. We’ve been rejected, mailed back to say we should stop pestering — and with pressure mounting from a community whose very trust in you is based on your ability to produce, we’ve had to make use of the strength of every single team member to drag us to our first of these two listings: CoinGecko

Now we’re here, but we’re not done celebrating, for it seems that every milestone, evolves into a mountain. Now we have another to climb — CMC and another listing is on the horizon, and now our validity is being questioned, yet again.

Here’s the lowdown on the road to CoinGecko and CMC:

The application process usually takes a few days to 2 weeks, but they are busy — so there is the possibility it can be chiseled into rock faster. When we first applied, we thought we’d might run into some issues -namely, that we took over the project on our own accord and didn’t have ownership of the contract but submitted the application with hope we’d be listed.

We were turned down initially because we didn’t meet a few requirements such as liquidity, team presence, project maturity and more. All this meant to us was that we needed to push this bad boy harder, drive coffin nails into it until the beast within starts to scream, flail and finally rear its head so we may confront it with the might of our project and community.

The Bishu community does not accept no for an answer, we will always find another way.

“I wouldn’t say we felt it was personal at first because we knew there was a possibility this could happen, but as time went on we felt we have accomplished much more than some of the coins listed on there. But not being listed right now is not a bad thing with the market right now. It might have ruined the momentum, so getting listed a little later isn’t the worst thing.” Said Buddha, as we reflected on the current events that have taken place.

“Our community is top 3 in the crypto game and we’re not two or three admins and a logo! We have so much offer and want to actually make a purpose in the world and not try to get a quick buck. We want to actually be around 10 years from now hosting food drives, beach clean ups, etc.”

Buddha of Team Bishu shares his vision for the project.

As we dove further into the process, Buddha stresses on the fact that even though everyone wants to see the pump, we’re not in this for a quick buck. Weak hands leave early because they’ve seen this scenario play out too often: whales enter, and as soon as there’s a price hike, there’s a crazy sell off — but not in Bishu — aside from a few deep in Bishu whales, something that is standard in any project, meme or not.

There is a community of insanely savage diamond hands. Bishu’s holders are far more disciplined than those of bigger projects — who take the time to calculate earnings from their investments, chart progress, with financial projections of distribution value at key market cap ranges. Meme coin? One would argue — this is the new frontier of investing. “They (CG and CMC) also missed our community. I say it a lot, but we’ve had a great community since the start. They are the main reason I love coming into the Telegram everyday. I enjoy socializing with the community and I know others don’t take it into account — but 5 minutes in our telegram would’ve shown them we are a serious project!”

Since going live with our billboard, Porsche giveaway at $250 million market cap and in between small victories — many projects have reached out to Bishu to show their love and support — an unexpected, but very positive turn of events. We always had a vision of being more about unity, rather than competition, but watching it begin to unfold is a truly beautiful thing.

This has led to catapaulting Bishu into a level of success, unbeknownst to most projects — true success is when your would-be competitors begin to notice, and want to work with you. Bishu has gained the most from this extension of hands by brother and sister projects in order to establish an alliance that would rival many token-chain partnerships in the greater cryptoverse.

This seriously bullish showing of faith in Bishu has proven, that our team and community are our most valuable assets — our greatest utility, for they will become the pioneers that will lay this foundation for an ecosystem of projects that has been decried by many naysayers and bell ringers in the crypto community — saying that the days of memecoins and the likes are numbered. Au contraire, little fishsticks — we are only beginning the revolution, and have become the catalyst for change and the glue that will hold together, projects that wish to dominate, innovate and lead with thought and solutions that will pave roads into the future, while doing so in a whimsical and fun manner.

In his reflections, Buddha acknowledged the struggles faced by honest projects, trying to build their utility and offering, as well as stay relevant, in a space that can be very unforgiving at the most menacing of times.

“My advice would be to make sure you have all your ducks in a row, have a checklist of everything you need before embarking on this quest. Get yourself a strong team and community behind you — because you’re only going to go as far as the community wants. Make sure to listen to everyone in the community — each voice counts — and try to make decisions based off community vote as far as possible, because the more the community remains together, the stronger you are and the more the community believes in one another. Build partnerships. At Bishu we don’t close the door on partnerships and it will benefit you tremendously in the long run!”

As far as next steps go, Bishu has a road to walk before the CoinMarketCap listing, but we certainly have a fair amount of battling to do behind the scenes, which I’ll enlighten you on, when we take on said battles.

Listing and recognition as a legitimate project in a time and space, where uncertainty is a staple in the daily affairs of life as a crypto project — are only a drop in the ocean when it comes to the frustrations, near daily defeats and wars fought to stay an alpha dog, for lack of a better term. Every strategic goal from here on determines an increase in holders and market cap — we have no choice but to battle the tremendous odds to meet these goals and slay them.

So here’s what I’m gonna do — take hold of that broken shield, fasten those fucking straps, summon Mjolnir, and tell the fucking Bishu avengers to assemble. BISHU TO THE MOON! Alright?!

As a previously abandoned project, having faced the obstacles of our developer jumping ship, being rugged and finding a way to have our community band together and fend for ourselves, we’d like to say we’ve become experts in the process. Please do not be afraid to reach out to us - Team Bishu does offer consultancy services and would be more than honored to help advise you in the process of regaining and maintaining your reputation. We’ve been there, and we got out of it and you will too.



Bishu Finance

Bishu Finance is a decentralized finance protocol that aims to deliver financial freedom and an attractive, innovative means of income generation to its users.