A Billboard Over Broadway

Bishu Finance
3 min readMay 30, 2021

I know what you’re gonna say…

They did a billboard already, and now you’re trying to copy them!” Sure they did, but it’s well ok to take learnings from a successful project, and adapt them into a model that works. Do you judge your favorite clothing store for having a billboard ad, similar to other clothing stores? Besides, we want to be out there… New York baby!

Our first design. Ideas have to start somewhere… Right?

Getting a billboard isn’t as easy as one would think — there’s a lot of planning, programmatic concerns, logistics — hundreds of ideas thrown, dozens of mock-ups, votes, heated arguments, opinions stepped on, feelings hurt , accumulation of funds- it’s a process. When there are billboards, there are also legalities involved; state rules and regulations — vehicle and foot traffic considerations — and from this we learnt many lessons into our foray into the big leagues of the marketing game.

Our initial billboard design

One of these lessons is that it isn’t a spray and pray approach: we’re not here to spew out advertising at the masses and hope that everyone somehow purchases our token. We need to start by introducing our product, our vision and mission, and that we’re a community driven token.

Biggest in the world — one would argue — but our recent results in Twitter polls, our community’s support when it comes to livestream events, or even if it’s a playful spat over which token’s community rocks harder — it’s plain to see that Bishu certainly has strength in numbers, passion and tremendous support. That is why we claim “The Biggest in the World”, we may not be the biggest token in quantity of members, but our community certainly has a larger than life flare and has a larger belief in what it is doing than all of the other communities. And this is where one begins to understand the maginitude; the amount of people it has influenced, the amount of people they influence — and the feedback that Bishu has been getting as a result of the response of the community and their combined reach and influence.

If we were to mention the requests we recieve to have our token promoted — the names and faces — buyers would ape into this project with a furor that would rival a Black Friday store opening. This is also where we begin to understand what a monster we’re working on. That this billboard needs to be big, flashy, grand — it needs to be a spectacle which is extra, loud, proud and ready to take on the world. We learnt that even though we’re humble, advertising can’t be — it needs to be boastful, a pure showcase, a real peacocking if you will.

We’re proud to present this design to the world!

Bishu comes second to none, he’s the outcast of the doge family. He’s a primal being that is ready to pounce, bark differently from the rest, become a part of culture and giveback to the other outcasts of society while doing so, he is ready to be their champion now.

As we take our first step into the black water abyss that is big advertising, we can’t help but be excited, nervous and optimistic at the same time. It was a challenge being a token, establishing an identity, and now we have to tell the world about this project — it’s a proud and nerve-wracking moment, but we’re glad you’re here for the journey, bearing witness to this Godzilla of a project that we’re about to unleash. Bishu… right next to Broadway, in the middle of Times Square. It’s going to be a sight to behold.

This is it… We’re in the big leagues now, and we’re not turning back.

Discover the Bishu billboard from 06.01.21 to 06.08.21
1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036, United States West 45th street and 7th Ave (billboard is on 7th Ave)



Bishu Finance

Bishu Finance is a decentralized finance protocol that aims to deliver financial freedom and an attractive, innovative means of income generation to its users.